

color_cells(series, df_final_report)

Apply background coloring to cells based on the "pass" value for a given model and test type.

mlflow_report(experiment_name, task, df_report)

Logs metrics and details from a given report to an MLflow experiment.

model_report(summary, min_pass_dict, ...)

Generate a report summarizing the performance of a model based on provided results.

multi_dataset_multi_model_report(summary, ...)

multi_dataset_report(summary, min_pass_dict, ...)

multi_model_report(summary, min_pass_dict, ...)

Generate a report summarizing the performance of a specific model from multiple models based on provided results.


Generate a political report based on the given results.

save_format(format, save_dir, df_report)

Save the provided report DataFrame into a specified format at a given directory.