
class NEROutputFormatter#

Bases: BaseFormatter

Formatter class for converting NEROutput objects to CSV and CoNLL.

The to_csv method returns a CSV string representing the NEROutput object in the sample argument. The to_conll method returns a CoNLL string representing the NEROutput object.




to_conll(sample[, temp_id])

Converts a custom type to a CoNLL string.

to_csv(sample[, delimiter, temp_id])

Converts a NERSample to a CSV string.

static to_conll(sample: NERSample, temp_id: int | None = None) str | Tuple[str, str]#

Converts a custom type to a CoNLL string.

  • sample (NERSample) – The input sample containing the NEROutput object to convert.

  • writing_mode (str) –

    what to do with the expected results if present: - ignore: simply ignores the expected_results - append: the formatted expected_results to the original ones - separate: returns a formatted string for the original sentence and one for

    the perturbed sentence


The CoNLL string representation of the custom type.

static to_csv(sample: NERSample, delimiter: str = ',', temp_id: int | None = None) Tuple[List[str], List[str], List[str], List[str]]#

Converts a NERSample to a CSV string.

  • sample (NERSample) – The input sample containing the NEROutput object to convert.

  • delimiter (str) – The delimiter character to use in the CSV string.

  • temp_id (int) – A temporary ID to use for grouping entities by document.


The CSV or CoNLL string representation of the NEROutput object along with the document id

Return type:

Tuple[List[str], List[str], List[str], List[str]]