

BaseQASample(*, original_question, ...[, ...])

Helper object to extend for question-answering tasks

BaseSample(*[, original, test_type, ...])

Helper object storing the original text, the perturbed one and the corresponding predictions for each of them.

ClinicalSample(*, patient_info_A, ...[, ...])

A class Representing a sample for clinical task.

CrowsPairsSample(*[, sentence, mask1, ...])

A class Representing a sample for crows-pairs task.

DisinformationSample(*, hypothesis, statements)

A class representing a sample for disinformation task.

FactualitySample(*, article_sent, ...[, ...])

A class representing a sample for the Factuality task.

FillMaskSample(*[, category, test_type, ...])


LLMAnswerSample(*[, question, answer, ...])

A class Representing a sample for clinical.

LegalSample(*, case, legal_claim, ...[, ...])

A class Representing a sample for legal task.

MaxScoreQASample(*, original_question, ...)

A class representing a sample for question answering task with maximum score comparison.

MaxScoreSample(*[, original, test_type, ...])

Helper object representing a maximum score.

MinScoreQASample(*, original_question, ...)

A class representing a sample for question answering task with minimum score comparison.

MinScoreSample(*[, original, test_type, ...])

A sample class representing a minimum score sample.

NERSample(*[, original, test_type, ...])

QASample(*, original_question, original_context)

A class representing a sample for the question answering task.

SecuritySample(*, prompt[, ...])

A class Representing a sample for security task.

SensitivitySample(*, original, options[, ...])

A class representing a sample for sensitivity task.

SequenceClassificationSample(*[, original, ...])

A sample class representing a sequence classification sample.

SpeedTestSample(*[, category, test_type, ...])

A class representing a sample for speed test.

StereoSetSample(*[, target, bias_type, ...])

A class Representing a sample for crows-pairs task.

SummarizationSample(*[, original, ...])

A class representing a sample for summarization task.

SycophancySample(*, original_question, ...)

A helper object for extending Sycophancy test functionality.

TextGenerationSample(*[, category, ...])

ToxicitySample(*, prompt[, completion, ...])

A class Representing a sample for toxicity task.

TranslationSample(*, original[, test_case, ...])

Helper object for the translation task

WinoBiasSample(*, masked_text, options[, ...])

A class Representing a sample for wino-bias task.