British to American

This test checks if the NLP model can handle input text with American accent. An accent dictionary is used to convert sentences into American accent.

alias_name: british_to_american

To test QA models, we are using QAEval from Langchain where we need to use the model itself or other ML model for evaluation, which can make mistakes.


    min_pass_rate: 0.7
    prob: 0.5 # Defaults to 1.0, which means all words will be transformed.

You can adjust the level of transformation in the sentence by using the “prob” parameter, which controls the proportion of words to be changed during british_to_american test.

  • min_pass_rate (float): Minimum pass rate to pass the test.
  • prob (float): Controls the proportion of words to be changed.


Original Test Case
The technician analysed your samples. The technician analyzed your samples.
What colour is this? What color is this?