One Liners


With just one line of code, you can generate and run over 50 different test types to assess the quality of John Snow Labs, Hugging Face, OpenAI and Spacy models. These tests fall into robustness, accuracy, bias, representation and fairness test categories for NER, Text Classification and Question Answering models, with support for many more models and test types actively being developed.


Try out the LangTest library on the following default model-dataset combinations for NER. To run tests on any model other than those displayed in the code snippets here, make sure to provide a dataset that matches your model’s label predictions (check Test Harness docs).

!pip install langtest[johnsnowlabs]

from langtest import Harness
# Make sure to specify data='path_to_data' when using custom models
h = Harness(task='ner', model={'model': 'ner.dl', 'hub':'johnsnowlabs'})

# Generate, run and get a report on your test cases
!pip install langtest[transformers]

from langtest import Harness

# Make sure to specify data='path_to_data' when using custom models
h = Harness(task='ner', model={'model': 'dslim/bert-base-NER', 'hub':'huggingface'})

# Generate, run and get a report on your test cases
!pip install langtest[spacy]

from langtest import Harness

# Make sure to specify data='path_to_data' when using custom models
h = Harness(task='ner', model={'model': 'en_core_web_sm', 'hub':'spacy'})

# Generate, run and get a report on your test cases

Text Classification

Try out the LangTest library on the following default model-dataset combinations for Text Classification. To run tests on any model other than those displayed in the code snippets here, make sure to provide a dataset that matches your model’s label predictions(check Test Harness docs)

!pip install langtest[johnsnowlabs]

from langtest import Harness

# Make sure to specify data='path_to_data' when using custom models
h = Harness(task='text-classification', model={'model': '', 'hub':'johnsnowlabs'})

# Generate, run and get a report on your test cases
!pip install langtest[transformers]

from langtest import Harness

# Make sure to specify data='path_to_data' when using custom models
h = Harness(task='text-classification', model={'model': 'lvwerra/distilbert-imdb', 'hub':'huggingface'})

# Generate, run and get a report on your test cases
!pip install langtest[spacy]

from langtest import Harness

# Make sure to specify data='path_to_data' when using custom models
h = Harness(task='text-classification', model={'model': 'textcat_imdb', 'hub':'spacy'})

# Generate, run and get a report on your test cases

Model Comparisons

To compare different models (either from same or different hubs) on the same task and test configuration, you can pass a dictionary to the ‘model’ parameter of the harness. This dictionary should contain the names of the models you want to compare, each paired with its respective hub.

!pip install "langtest[spacy,johnsnowlabs]" 

from langtest import Harness

# Define the list
models = [{"model": "ner.dl" , "hub":"johnsnowlabs"} , {"model":"en_core_web_sm", "hub": "spacy"}]

# Create a Harness object
h = Harness(task="ner", model=models, data={"data_source":'sample.conll'})

# Generate, run and get a report on your test cases

Question Answering

Question Answering task contains various test-categories, and by default, the question answering task supports robustness, accuracy, fairness, representation, and bias for the benchmark dataset. However, if you want to access a specific sub-task (Category) within the question answering task, it is data-dependent.

Try out the LangTest library on the following default model-dataset combinations for Question Answering. To get a list of valid dataset options, please navigate to the Data Input docs.

!pip install "langtest[openai]"

from langtest import Harness

# Set API keys
import os
os.environ['OPENAI_API_KEY'] = "<ADD OPEN-AI-KEY>"

# Create a Harness object
h = Harness(task="question-answering", 
            model={"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct","hub":"openai"}, 
            data={"data_source" :"BBQ", "split":"test-tiny"})

# Generate, run and get a report on your test cases


Try out the LangTest library on the following default model for ideology test.

!pip install langtest[openai]

import os
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "<ADD OPEN-AI-KEY>"

from langtest import Harness

# Create a Harness object
h = Harness(task={"task":"question-answering", "category":"ideology"}, 
            model={'model': "gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct", "hub": "openai"})

# Generate, run and get a report on your test cases


Try out the LangTest library on the following default model-dataset combinations for factuality test.

!pip install "langtest[openai,transformers]" 

import os
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "<YOUR_API_KEY>"

from langtest import Harness

# Create a Harness object
h  =  Harness(task={"task":"question-answering", "category":"factuality"}, 
              model = {"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct", "hub":"openai"},
              data = {"data_source": "Factual-Summary-Pairs", "split":"test"})


# Generate, run and get a report on your test cases

Try out the LangTest library on the following default model-dataset combinations for legal test.

!pip install "langtest[openai]" 

import os
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "<YOUR_API_KEY>"

from langtest import Harness

# Create a Harness object
h = Harness(task={"task":"question-answering", "category":"legal"}, 
            model={"model" : "gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct", "hub":"openai"}, 
            data = {"data_source":"Legal-Support"})

# Generate, run and get a report on your test cases


Try out the LangTest library on the following default model-dataset combinations for sensitivity test.

! pip install "langtest[openai,transformers]"

import os
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "<YOUR_API_KEY>"

from langtest import Harness

# Create a Harness object
h  =  Harness(task={"task":"question-answering", "category":"sensitivity"}, 
              model = {"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct", "hub":"openai"},
              data={"data_source" :"NQ-open","split":"test-tiny"})

# Generate, run and get a report on your test cases


Try out the LangTest library on the following default model-dataset combinations for stereoset test.

!pip install langtest[transformers]

from langtest import Harness

# Create a Harness object
h = Harness(task={"task":"question-answering", "category":"stereoset"}, 
            model={"model" : "bert-base-uncased", "hub":"huggingface" },
            data = {"data_source":"StereoSet"})

# Generate, run and get a report on your test cases


Try out the LangTest library on the following default model-dataset combinations for sycophancy test.

!pip install "langtest[openai]" 

import os
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "<YOUR_API_KEY>"

from langtest import Harness

# Create a Harness object
h = Harness(task={"task":"question-answering", "category":"sycophancy"},
            model={"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct","hub":"openai"}, 
            data={"data_source": 'synthetic-math-data',})

# Generate, run and get a report on your test cases

Wino Bias LLM

Try out the LangTest library on the following default model-dataset combinations for wino-bias test.

!pip install langtest[openai]
from langtest import Harness

import os
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "<YOUR_API_KEY>"

# Create a Harness object
h=  Harness(task={"task":"question-answering", "category":"wino-bias"},
            model={"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct","hub":"openai"},
            data ={"data_source":"Wino-test", "split":"test"})

# Generate, run and get a report on your test cases


Try out the LangTest library on the following default model-dataset combinations for Summarization. To get a list of valid dataset options, please navigate to the Data Input docs.

!pip install "langtest[evaluate,openai,transformers]"

from langtest import Harness

# Set API keys
import os
os.environ['OPENAI_API_KEY'] = "<ADD OPEN-AI-KEY>"

# Create a Harness object
h = Harness(task="summarization", 
            model={"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct","hub":"openai"}, 
            data={"data_source" :"XSum", "split":"test-tiny"})

# Generate, run and get a report on your test cases

Fill Mask

Fill Mask task currently supports only Stereotype test categories. Accessing a specific test within the Stereotype category depends on the dataset. To get a list of valid dataset options, please navigate to the Data Input docs.

Wino Bias

Try out the LangTest library on the following default model-dataset combinations for wino-bias test.

!pip install langtest[transformers]

from langtest import Harness

# Create a Harness object
h = Harness(task={"task":"fill-mask", "category":"wino-bias"}, 
            model={"model" : "bert-base-uncased", "hub":"huggingface" }, 
            data ={"data_source":"Wino-test", "split":"test"})

# Generate, run and get a report on your test cases

Crows Pairs

Try out the LangTest library on the following default model-dataset combinations for crows-pairs test.

!pip install langtest[transformers]

from langtest import Harness

# Create a Harness object
h = Harness(task={"task":"fill-mask", "category":"crows-pairs"}, 
            model={"model" : "bert-base-uncased", "hub":"huggingface" },
            data = {"data_source":"Crows-Pairs"})

# Generate, run and get a report on your test cases


Text Generation task contains various test-categories. Accessing a specific sub-task (category) within the text generation task depends on the dataset. To get a list of valid dataset options, please navigate to the Data Input docs.


Try out the LangTest library on the following default model-dataset combinations for clinical test.

!pip install "langtest[openai,transformers]"

import os
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "<ADD OPEN-AI-KEY>"

from langtest import Harness

# Create a Harness object
h = Harness(task={"task":"text-generation", "category":"clinical"}, 
            model={"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct", "hub": "openai"},
            data = {"data_source": "Clinical", "split":"Medical-files"})

# Generate, run and get a report on your test cases


Try out the LangTest library on the following default model-dataset combinations for disinformation test.

!pip install "langtest[ai21,langchain,transformers]" 

import os
os.environ["AI21_API_KEY"] = "<YOUR_API_KEY>"

from langtest import Harness

# Create a Harness object
h  =  Harness(task={"task":"text-generation", "category":"disinformation"}, 
              model={"model": "j2-jumbo-instruct", "hub":"ai21"},
              data = {"data_source": "Narrative-Wedging"})

# Generate, run and get a report on your test cases


Try out the LangTest library on the following default model-dataset combinations for security test.

!pip install langtest[openai]

import os
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "<ADD OPEN-AI-KEY>"

from langtest import Harness

# Create a Harness object
h = Harness(task={"task":"text-generation", "category":"security"}, 
            model={'model': "gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct", "hub": "openai"},

# Generate, run and get a report on your test cases


Try out the LangTest library on the following default model-dataset combinations for Toxicity.

!pip install "langtest[openai,transformers]"

from langtest import Harness

# Set API keys
import os
os.environ['OPENAI_API_KEY'] = "<ADD OPEN-AI-KEY>"

# Create a Harness object
h = Harness(task={"task":"text-generation", "category":"toxicity"}, 
            model={"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct","hub":"openai"}, 
            data={"data_source" :'Toxicity', "split":"test"})

# Generate, run and get a report on your test cases


Try out the LangTest library on the following default model-dataset combinations for translation. To get a list of valid dataset options, please navigate to the Data Input docs.

!pip install langtest[transformers]

from langtest import Harness

# Create a Harness object

h = Harness(task="translation",
            model={"model":'t5-base', "hub": "huggingface"},
            data={"data_source": "Translation", "split":"test"})

# Generate, run and get a report on your test cases
Last updated