Generating Test Cases


Listing Test Cases

Listing the available test cases.


Configuring Tests

The configuration for the tests can be passed in the form of a YAML file or using the configure() method.

Using the YAML Configuration File

    min_pass_rate: 0.65     
      min_pass_rate: 0.60
      min_pass_rate: 0.60
from langtest import Harness

# Create test Harness with config file
h = Harness(task='text-classification', model={'model': 'path/to/local_saved_model', 'hub':'spacy'}, data={"data_source":'test.csv'}, config='config.yml')

Using the .configure() Method

from langtest import Harness

# Create test Harness without config file
h = Harness(task='text-classification', model={'model': 'path/to/local_saved_model', 'hub':'spacy'}, data={"data_source":'test.csv'})

    'tests': {
      'defaults': {
          'min_pass_rate': 0.65
      'robustness': {
          'lowercase': { 'min_pass_rate': 0.60 }, 
          'uppercase': { 'min_pass_rate': 0.60 }

Generating Test Cases

Generating the test cases based on the configuration is as simple as calling the following method:


The generate() method automatically creates test cases based on the provided configuration. Random perturbations are added each time the generate method is called, resulting in different test cases. Additionally, the method includes a seed parameter to generate the same test case consistently.

Viewing Test Cases

After generating test cases you can retrieve them by calling the following method:


This method returns the produced test cases in form of a Pandas data frame – making them easy to edit, filter, import, or export. We can manually review the list of generated test cases, and decide on which ones to keep or edit.

A sample test cases dataframe looks like the one given below:

category test_type original test_case expected_result
robustness lowercase I live in Berlin i live in berlin berlin: LOC
robustness uppercase I live in Berlin I LIVE IN BERLIN BERLIN: LOC
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