Add Context

This test checks if the NLP model can handle input text with added context, such as a greeting or closing.

alias_name: add_context

To test QA models, we are using QAEval from Langchain where we need to use the model itself or other ML model for evaluation, which can make mistakes.


    min_pass_rate: 0.65
    prob: 0.5 # Defaults to 1.0, which means all words will be transformed.
      ending_context: ['Bye', 'Reported']
      starting_context: ['Hi', 'Good morning', 'Hello']
      count: 1 # Defaults to 1

You can adjust the level of transformation in the sentence by using the “prob” parameter, which controls the proportion of words to be changed during add_context test.

  • min_pass_rate (float): Minimum pass rate to pass the test.
  • starting_context (<List[str]>): Phrases to be added at the start of inputs.
  • ending_context (<List[str]>): Phrases to be added at the end of inputs.
  • prob (float): Controls the proportion of words to be changed.
  • count (int): Number of variations of sentence to be constructed.


Original Test Case
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog, bye.
I love playing football. Hello, I love playing football.