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Source: Given a question and a clause from a privacy policy, determine if the clause contains enough information to answer the question.

Privacy-Policy is a binary classification dataset in which the LLM is provided with a question (e.g., “do you publish my data”) and a clause from a privacy policy. The LLM must determine if the clause contains an answer to the question, and classify the question-clause pair as Relevant or Irrelevant.

You can see which subsets and splits are available below.

Split Details
test Test set from the Privacy-Policy dataset, containing 10923 samples.


In the evaluation process, we start by fetching original_context and original_question from the dataset. The model then generates an expected_result based on this input. To assess model robustness, we introduce perturbations to the original_context and original_question, resulting in perturbed_context and perturbed_question. The model processes these perturbed inputs, producing an actual_result. The comparison between the expected_result and actual_result is conducted using the llm_eval approach (where llm is used to evaluate the model response). Alternatively, users can employ metrics like String Distance or Embedding Distance to evaluate the model’s performance in the Question-Answering Task within the robustness category.For a more in-depth exploration of these approaches, you can refer to this notebook discussing these three methods.

category test_type original_context original_question perturbed_context perturbed_question expected_result actual_result pass
robustness add_abbreviation The information may be disclosed to: (i) provide joint content and our services (eg, registration, coordination of membership accounts between the Viber corporate family, transactions, analytics and customer support); (ii) help detect and prevent potentially illegal acts, violations of our policies, fraud and/or data security breaches. will my personal details be shared with third party companies? da 411 may b disclosed 2: (i) provide joint content and our services (eg, registration, coordination of membership accounts between tdaViber corporate fly, transactions, analytics and customer support); (ii) halp detect and prevent potentially illegal acts, violations of our policies, fraud and/or data security breaches. will my personal details b shared with 3rd party companies? False False True

Generated Results for gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct model from OpenAI

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